Friday, April 18, 2008

Bulimic Blogging

I'm finally getting around to updating the blog! I've decided to give up on organizing them by event, and just simply post a ton a pictures in order to get caught up. Things here are just busy as usual.
The school year is winding down, which means end of the year testing, open houses, performances, etc. Brady and Hayley are still doing karate, and they will be earning their purple belts next week. Brady now plays clarinet in the school band, and he really loves it. Hayley is gearing up for the new soccer season. She played two rounds of indoor soccer this winter, and scored her first (and second) goals! She also takes an art class after school on Wednesdays and wants to start her own website to showcase her work. Stay tuned for that!

Brooke is now 20 months, and just a funny, silly little character. Her favorite movie is Hairspray, and we watch it continuously during the day and listen to the soundtrack in the car. When she wants to watch it or listen to it, she holds her hand up makes the motion of pressing the button on a can of hairspray while saying "Ch Ch Ch". She adores dogs and swings and keeps us laughing with her antics.
Brian and I are celebrating our 11th anniversary tomorrow (April 19th). Still seems like yesterday that he was teaching me how to do the polka at the Huntington Beach Oktoberfest. Hard to believe that was 15 1/2 years ago. Enjoy the pictures!


Prof. Cleiton said...


congratulation for blog!

see you...

BarakAli Davis said...

I recognize that bridge and pose! :)