Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Summer is Here!

Hayley Rankin: Award-Winning Author

Hayley won second place for her class in a writing contest at school. We went to the awards presentation last Thursday, and these are some pictures from the big event. This is her entry, reprinted with her permission of course:

My name is Hayley. I eat pizza. I am good at math! I love my family! I have a jewelry box. I eat good food. I do a good job at reading books.
by Hayley Rankin

Watch out, Shakespeare!

Hayley with Sarah and Jolina--the other two winners from her class.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Mother's Day and a Visit from Tay

We had a great Mother's Day weekend! All of Caroline's sisters flew into town, so it was fun having everyone together. Brian, Brady, Hayley and Grandpa finally got to meet Laura's daughter, Taylor. Cameras were snapping constantly. Here are a few highlights...

Brady, 8. Hayley, 6. Brooke, 9 mos. Taylor, 4 mos.

Brooke showed Taylor how to nap on a dryer.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Swinging and Jumping

The kids' current favorite thing is jumping off the swings after they get going nice and high. After a bad landing and an x-ray of Brady's foot a couple days ago, I think this phase may pass soon. (Nothing broken, thank goodness.)

Brookie isn't jumping out of her swing, but she sure loves it!

Fun Run

Brady and Hayley ran in a charity Fun Run last Saturday. They had a great time being part of the event!

Hayley's Birthday Part 2

Hayley had her birthday dinner at Chevy's so that she could get this cool sombrero.

Hayley had her birthday party at Byer's Gymnastics and got a commemorative t-shirt and "Olympic" medal. The medal has not left her neck since she got it!

During Hayley's party, Brady took a knee to the mouth--and FINALLY knocked out his loose front tooth! He'd had three front teeth for several weeks!

The Birthday Girl!!